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Tracking and analytics

Google Analytics 4 Integration

Our platform includes ready-to-use GA4 tracking with an advanced event tracking module, designed to capture a wide range of user interactions that are not typically supported by conventional analytics platforms. This module enables the detailed analysis of user behavior through a comprehensive set of advanced events.

GA4 integration

CMP Integration 

We implement user consent management with Klaro, an open-source CMP integrated into our platform. Klaro makes it easier to manage privacy preferences across your digital projects, ensuring compliance with global privacy regulations. This tool is customizable to fit the specific needs of your organization, enhancing user trust and regulatory adherence.

CMP Integration

Enhanced user interaction insights

Our system is equipped to provide deeper insights into user engagement. From understanding how users interact with various elements on your website to measuring key performance indicators. We're set up to handle custom tasks and provide answers to your business questions using the data we collect. Our platform is adaptable to your specific needs, ensuring that you get the insights you require to make informed decisions. We focus on delivering straightforward, effective solutions that directly benefit your business.

Enhanced user interaction insights

Data Visualization

Our platform provides a pre-configured solution for visualizing complex events on your website. This out-of-the-box feature simplifies the process of understanding detailed interactions, enabling you to quickly gain insights into user behavior without the need for additional setups. Use our robust tracking and visualization tools to effortlessly analyze and leverage data from your digital environment.

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Design system

Ensure consistent branding, control of corporate design and complete governance of your digital experiences.

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Search system

Search and retrieve information from a variety of sources and deliver fast and reliable search results.

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Under the hood

Explore the full range of technical capabilities.

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